Lessons in Piano, Guitar, Voice, Drums, Violin, Harp, Ukulele, Woodwind, Brass, Tutoring, Preschool to Adult


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Mandolin Lessons

Do you have someone in your family wanting to take Mandolin lessons? We have an excellent Mandolin teacher located in Fountain City. Lessons are once a week for 30 minutes.

Mandolin is a great instrument to learn because it’s small and portable. It has a very soothing and beautiful sound to listen to too. The mandolin provides a very important sound in the bluegrass band.

Call today to come and try your free lesson.
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FREE Lesson Today!

Contact us to schedule a FREE introductory lesson with one of our piano instructors.
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Lessons in Piano, Guitar, Voice, Drums, Violin, Harp, Ukulele, Woodwind, Brass, Tutoring, Preschool to Adult